"I love FX Saver! It's great for viewing my digital pictures.
Great transition effects, smooth operation, and very easy to use."
-- Randy Due
"FX Saver Toolbox Professional is
perhaps one of the easiest and most powerful screen saver
development packages to come along in quite a while."
-- Steven Schneiderman of Cool Tool Awards - click
here to see the full review
"First of all, I'd like to
say what a great device you've got here. The ease of creating screen
savers and the resulting quality is exceptional compared to other
-- Jerry Cravotta
"I am writing in regards to FX Saver we just ordered
recently. We don't usually purchase off the web, but when the trial was up, we had to get it!
I'm usually searching for the right screensaver, but no longer. Very easy tool to use
and superior results! Thanks, I can't wait to try some of your other products."
-- Wayne
"I just downloaded your free trial of FX
Saver and I had to write to say AWESOME, I have tried several
other screen savers and I must say you outshine them all."
-- Cynthia Mullins
"Program Pros: intuitive, nice array of options, professional results, cool transitions..."
-- ZDNet Reviewer
"I just bought your new FX Saver and would
like to say: Excellent Work!"
-- Louis Eckinger
"I just love FX Saver. It is the greatest on the market and well worth its cost!!!"
-- Autumn
"I recently purchased FX
Saver and really enjoy
it; it makes a good companion to my WallMaster Pro. Very easy to use, offers many user
options, and the many transition effects are simply superb. (Can't get enough of
these!) I'd have to recommend this as a 'must have' for all WallMaster Pro users.
Keep up the good work. It's another solid product from Tropical Wares!"
-- Larry Magnotte
"I learned about FX Saver from iTest newsletter, and after downloading it I really, really like it.
I added some sounds and it works great. I'm still in the process of testing it, but so far everything looks fine. Easy to use interface and,
very user friendly."
-- James Randall
"Congratulations on building such a fine
utility and by all means - keep up the good work!"
-- RJ Province from SkylarkUtilities.com
"The WallMaster Pro of screen savers"
-- David Previs
"Thank you for an excellent product!"
-- Jeff Long
"FX Saver is a great
-- Charlie
Here is your chance to experience all
this for yourself. Just download the fully-functional trial version and explore the true power of FX Saver.
Bargain priced starting from $24.95, there is no better value available for the money.
And don't forget that all our software products come with an
unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
If you happen to have a problem or question, unlimited free support by e-mail is always available
at support@tropicalwares.com.
Order FX Saver now!